
Civilizations fail in predictable cycles. Power consolidates, efficiency decreases, and progress stagnates. To avoid this, institutions must be destroyed or remade.

The targeted efforts presented on this site are designed to have systemic effect. The civilizational downfall in the US stems from:

  • federal overreach and the continued consolidation of power at the federal level. As a consequence, government and government partnered institutions become more monopolistic, products become noncompetitive, medicine becomes mandated, etc – all the products of malignant monopolies you should know from economics.
  • the complicity of states with this federal overreach through bribery. This prevents states from curtailing federal overreach, which leads further and further into a federal-state partnered tyranny, where people no longer can vote with their feet by moving to different states because the laws are all the same.
  • the emergence of police states combined with more laws to extract as much labor and money as possible from citizens for the benefit of those in government

Removing drug and firearm policing removes the majority of enforcement power, which gives the people and the states a chance to redeem themselves.

Immigration accelerated the downfall, but did not change the direction. Why not prioritize fighting immigration?